Pallet drum/IBC filler-capper



Description :

Pallet drum/IBC filler-capper

The FLEXEO-P is part of our semi-automatic filling machines for liquid products. Many types of products are compatible with this filling machine (they can be foamy, viscous or pasty) and different drum on pallet sizes from 60L up to 220L as well as 1000L IBC can be accommodated. Filling accuracy is performed by a weighing scale (control, self-correction and statistics). This machine is using a diving lance with programmable positioning adapted to the product characteristics (sub-surface filling for foamy product for example). The filling station can be equipped with a transportation base if you want to move it to different production locations. The product can be fed by a pump or compressed air.

Watch the presentation video
Semi-automatic filling machine for drum and IBC
Interested in this machine?Contact us
Container :Drums / IBC
Industry :Food
Norm :Food contact
Cadence :UP TO 40 DRUMS / HOUR
Capacity :From 20L - 200L drums and IBCs
Caps :Metal bungPlastic bungMetal cap sealsPlastic cap seals

Technical characteristics and advantages

Many configurations and options are available

Various materials available, stainless steel or plastic (for corrosive application)
> Available in ATEX for hazardous product
> Manual bunging and crimping tools
> Lance cleaning station
> Conveyor systems and controls
> Additional scale for 20L Jerrycan filling


Ergonomic and compact design (HMI on filler arm)
> Easy and quick lance changeover
> Minimum product give-away with very high accuracy


From 9x 60L drums up to 4x 200L drums on pallets
> 1000L IBC

Cadence and capacity

200L drum : up to 40 drums per hour
> 1000L IBC : up to 12 IBC per hour

Interested in this equipment ?

Contact our sales department for any information request or to present your project to us
